- Finding large files in a directory
I have directories that agedu shows as having large files. However, agedu doesn’t tell me what the names of the files are.
- How to download newspapers with Calibre and deliver to your Kindle
So, I have read a few pages which outline how to do this, but none seem to sum all of it. I’ve set up my Raspberry to download a newspaper and then deliver it daily to my Kindle.
- Cuba
Having gone to one of the best destinations I’ve probably ever been to, I felt the need to document it in a more formal way. I was inspired by the Cuban culture and vibrant life to record some of the sights I’d seen.
- Trying a climb
This afternoon, I met up with a few friends at a local pub. It was great catching up with everyone, but what also great was that afterwards, I planned to cycle some 15km to one of the largest hills around.
- Using sed
sed is a quick command line utility to change text within a file, or input stream. Typically, it is used within a pipe situation
- Bash find command
I’ve been using the find command simply since I can remember, but I’ve never really got to see the true power of this command.
- Setting up a firewall on Linux Ubuntu 14.04
This post walks throug the steps needed to set up a firewall on Ubuntu 14.04. Note that 14.04 is now end of life.
- How to enable disk quotas for users
Linux allows setting quotas on a filesystem. This will prevent users from using more diskspace than they are allowed.
- Encrypt a partition on Linux
An encrypted partition can add a layer of security to your system. When initialized, it will ask for the passphrase which, if unavailable, will not allow proper mounting.
- How and why you should be using 2 factor authentication
Two factor authentication provides another layer of security to any sign in for services you use. By enabling 2 factor authentication, you are using another layer of security when signing in.